Friday, October 28, 2011

Climbing Lucy!

hi, Its Lucy, I want a turn to talk to you also!  Remember a few weeks ago when I told you I went to a show with lots and lots of other labradors???  Well some nice lady took some pictures,... it really is fun!
This is an AFrame, see how high it is?  I have to climb up one side and then down another - but I can't jump over the yellow part!

A Frame (Mom running really fast, look at her hair!)
This, doesn't it look familar?  This is called a See Saw - it moves when you start on one end and goes down when you get to the other end, its just like the see saw you play on in the parks but there is only one dog on it at a time!

See Saw (Mom helping me, my "Aunt" is in the background watching!  She owns my yellow siter Cameo!)

Beanie Babies, Story Hour and Exercise!

Beanie Babies !!
Hi Kids - Zenny here.  It was my turn to go to the library this week.  I brought a present, actually lots of presents.  I had Beanie Babies at home, do you know what those are?  Little cute stuffed animals that you can carry around with you.  Well for some reason I had LOTS of them at home.  The library, they do really cool displays and I'm hoping that I might see one or two of them in one of those displays soon!  They will be so much happier at the library then here at home.  They don't get played with much here,....
My favorite of the  moment,...
Then my mother too me for some exercise.  Mom and I haven't been on a together hike in a long long time,..... boy was it fun.  The water was cold though - very exciting!  We labradors like the cool fall weather, its makes us very happy!
Okay kids, we will see you in a couple of weeks.  We have company at the house this weekend, can't wait! maybe there will be pictures!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lucy and Priya share a visit,......

its a candy corn!
Hi Kids
Moms got a little time this afternoon so she's getting this posting out right away!!

what fun we had.  Lucy and Zenny have a house guest this week, her name is Priya and she is a chihauhau!!!  She is much smaller then us, we are labradors.  Priya is a puppy and weighs only 2lbs!!  when she is full grown she will weigh about 4lbs!  We are all grown up, Zenny and I and we weigh about 70lbs!  Wow, big difference, right? 

Anyway, Priya is very cute, but very fast and a little busy for us right now.  But she fit right in at the library and got to meet everyone just like Lucy.  Lucy had her own visit first though - check it out

 And Miss Priya, well here she is!


Monday, October 17, 2011

Zenny goes to College and Lucy gets to Jump!

Hi Everyone
This week, Zenny went to college!  Well, he went to college to visit students who are studying very very hard.  They really enjoy Zenny and other therapy dogs who come to visit.  Many of the kids have dogs at home that they miss a lot so they get a little Zenny love for a while.
I Love the attention!

Sleep at last, its SO tiring being a therapy dog!

Just Lucy! 
My sister Lucy, well she went to play in agility this week.  They have a really cool show called the Labrador Nationals where lots and lots of labradors show up to show off all of their talents!  Its really fun.  Lucy was there with 2 of her sisters.  It was lots of fun and Lucy got a ribbon also! 
Lucy and sister Cameo, they like to relax in chairs, isn't that silly?

Lucy and sister Peppermint!
And then, well, its just been a busy week for my sister Lucy.  On the weekend she went far away and met some horses, did a lot of jumping and came home with more ribbons!  Isn't she lucky??  And she got to visit with some of her best friends,.....
Mr. Bill, Lola, Lucy, Alice and Bear

Thursday, October 06, 2011

We are BACK!!!!!!!

Hi Kids!
Lucy and Zenny here.  Sorry we haven't been around much but our mother had some things going on.  But, we are back!  And we are so happy about it, especially our mother!  We missed the library and all of our friends. 
We have had a pretty busy summer - we are learning still about following people who are lost so that we can find them, and Lucy (thats me!) is still doing agility.  Thats where I get to run around a field and jump over things and climb over things.  Its fun! 

We hope to see everyone, old friends and new! Thanks for waiting for us to come back,.............
Lucy waiting for lunch!

Zenny wants to know where all the kids are!  He's waiting under the library desk,...

I've got a stick!