Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hi Everyone
here's a little trick my mother and I worked on for a long, long time.  It pretty cute, don't you think?  I can pick up all of my toys now!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Get on the Bus!

School Time is fun!  Do you like school, well I LOVE going to school.

Its me, Lucy, and I get to go to school a couple of times each month to visit some really nice kids.  They read stories to me, pet me and I enjoy going so much sometimes I take a little nap.  Here are some of my friends,...

Hi Everyone! Things once again have been rather busy and Mom doesn't have a lot of extra time right now. More pictures to come but Lucy and I wanted to share our exciting news! We have a baby brother - or actually a puppy brother. His name is "Auto", short for Automobile, like a car. Thats because our daddy LOVES cars - here he is, 9weeks old! isn't he cute? We are headed to the library this week so that Miss Cheri and others can meet him,... shhhhh, its a surprise! We hope to do a Zenny/Lucy Story Hour this summer - hope to see you there!

Monday, February 06, 2012

Its February already our mother has been really busy lately, she has yet to post any of our exciting adventures for January, never mind February.  So here are a couple of quickies until she (our mother) gets her act back together.  We haven't really had good walks or anything! 

January we started visiting the kids in Hartford.  We have 3 special friends we get to see a couple of times each month.  They each get to read part of a story and we hang out, listen, take a little snooze because they are such great readers we relax really well! 

scary spider toy
scary water cup
 We have also goone to visit our friends at the library also. Its a little slow there right now for Story Hour, so I (Zenny) have had to find other things to amuse myself with after story hour.    Its much more fun if there are lots of kids, but when there are only a few, I must entertain  myself somehow!
dog puppet Miss Cheri used in story hour
if nothing else, I can entertain
 myself with  my leash!

 Last but not least, my sister Lucy has been busy doing this agility thing.  She got lots of ribbons, I'm thinking I might need to try this sport!  And my mother thinks so too, she started training me and Lucy on Fridays.  Last week I went on this thing that moved, its called a see saw, you know, like the see saw or teeters that you play on at the playground?  Kind scary at first but I think I got it!